Marble Blast Gold World Record Rampage #4 :: Bloopers

Описание к видео Marble Blast Gold World Record Rampage #4 :: Bloopers

We all had our fair share of great runs that for one reason or another didn’t manage to finish. Some runs we just did for fun, and others… well, hard to describe. This set of bloopers has a couple of new paths and lots of fails on the current ones. Some are painful to watch but most are hilarious, though for our beloved runners they were anything but funny. Sometimes.

This is the SDA encode for the bloopers, and it lists all runners we had for this rampage.

We would like to thank all the runners for hundreds of hours of work being put into recording the runs and IsraeliRD for compiling everything. It took us many hours to record everything, with levels like: Great Divide, Hoops, Tightrope, Siege, Pathways, Pipe Dreams, Skyscraper and others taking dozens of hours to record. Even simple levels such as Gyrocopter, Hop Skip and a Jump or Tornado Bowl were a lot harder to do than might meet the eye.

We would also like to thank many members of the community (we love you all!) and the fantastic developers of Marble Blast Gold who gave us a very enjoyable game. We would also like to thank the SDA staff for all their work into maintaining this site.

Please visit us at where the community is.
This run will be available on SDA from the 28th February on

We hope you enjoy!


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