Chemical Kinetics: Method of Initial Rates Example

Описание к видео Chemical Kinetics: Method of Initial Rates Example

A worked out complex example using the method of initial rates to determine the experimental rate law from data in a table.

Table of Contents:

00:00 - An Initial Rate problem
00:20 - The Problem
00:41 - The Generic Rate Law
02:13 - The Method of Initial Rates
02:50 - Explore the Data for Unique Changes
06:45 - Finding order with respect to H2SeO3
07:54 - Finding order with respect to H+
08:52 - Finding order with respect to I-
***Note that for some reason, the presentation changes the order with respect to
[H+] from 2 to 1/2 here. Making matters more confusing, the video does not show the
proper order of reaction after rearranging to solve for the rate constant. Sorry about
the confusion. The correct order with respect to [H+] is 2.
09:35 - Obtaining the Rate Constant


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