30 Minute Advanced Strength Training | 1.8.24

Описание к видео 30 Minute Advanced Strength Training | 1.8.24

Lower Body Strength Training | Keli 

Build better bones through strength training! Join Keli for an effective Strength Training class designed to strengthen your muscles and bones through slow, controlled dumbbell training. Each exercise works your major muscle groups with combined movements that additionally improve whole body coordination. Grab a mat and dumbbells for class. 

Enjoy on Facebook at www.facebook.com/myactiveandfit or YouTube at    / myactiveandfit  

Please review our full Warnings and Disclaimers before participating in any Active&Fit exercise videos: https://bit.ly/AFdisclaimers.

Music licensed through Yes! Music & Gruppo F (The SAIFAM Group)

#Fitness #Strength #ActiveandFit


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