【法國幻影IV轟炸機】 法國核打擊力量的先峰,最小巧的超音速戰略轟炸機,可攜帶核彈或巡航導彈高速突破防守

Описание к видео 【法國幻影IV轟炸機】 法國核打擊力量的先峰,最小巧的超音速戰略轟炸機,可攜帶核彈或巡航導彈高速突破防守

The Mirage IV was a French supersonic strategic bomber and long-range reconnaissance aircraft, alongside the British Victor and others. Commissioned in October 1964. It has long been one of the nuclear deterrent forces of the French nuclear triad; the bombing type was retired in 1996 and the reconnaissance type was retired in 2005.


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