Best And Biggest Pigeon Market In Bangladesh | Mirpur 1 Pigeon Market | Top Fancy Pigeon

Описание к видео Best And Biggest Pigeon Market In Bangladesh | Mirpur 1 Pigeon Market | Top Fancy Pigeon

Best And Biggest Pigeon Market In
Bangladesh. Mirpur 1 Pigeon Market.Top Fancy Pigeon.Buyers, dealers and locals said that Mirpur Pigeon Market is the largest pigeon market in the capital. Pigeons are available here at a minimum price of 1 to 25 thousand taka. The market starts gathering at 9am every Friday. People from different parts of the capital and its surroundings brought pigeons to the hut. And this sale goes on till 5pm. As one of the different people come to the market to sell their pet pigeons, likewise the pike vendors also sell pigeons in this shop.

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