Home Alone DOS (1991, MT-32) - Normal strategy

Описание к видео Home Alone DOS (1991, MT-32) - Normal strategy

#homealone #dos
Copyright 1991 Manley & Associates (currently Electronic Arts)
Published by Capstone Software (defunct)
Home Alone TM and (C) 1991 Twentieth Century Fox film Corporation (currently Disney)

MT-32 Audio, yes the scream is a MT-32 sound.

How to play:
haconfig to set keyboard controls for JUMP and FIRE (typically z/x or 0/enter)
non-configurable keys:
F1 Pick up trap
F2 Select active trap
F3 Install trap
N Finish trap setup phase

When you run out of traps, the BB stash is in the basement, you only get 10 shots.

The best strategy is to only set traps on the path between the front door and the attic. There are enough places to set 20 traps, and your only limitation is time. Because of clunky controls, trying to jump over floor traps to speed things up is difficult. Jumping will also destroy all other traps during the chase sequence. The short cut from the bathroom or kitchen to the basement is an alternate strategy, but it's not recommended to be in the kitchen or basement. Going off the left side of the tree house sends the thieves in the reverse direction to the porch.


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