C# Validation: Phone Number Validator

Описание к видео C# Validation: Phone Number Validator

C# Validation - Validating a Phone Number

Greetings, today I will start my firs series of videos to create a phone number validator using C#. This method can be applied to any phone numbers and countries, in this part i just started with a simple two conditions:
1- the phone number must be only digits.
2- the length equals to 9 (temporary condition to simulate numbers limited with a fixed length)

The Next Parts:
Upload the library to GitHub repository
I will enhance the library to be flexible and extensible to be able to validate any phone number formats as user needs, and build it in Fluent API style.
Create a Build Pipeline with Azure DevOps
Publish and Deploy the Library as a NuGet Package
Edit the GitHub repository readme file with labels and code metrics.

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