DSSSB JJA TIER 2 MARKS galat diye hai |

Описание к видео DSSSB JJA TIER 2 MARKS galat diye hai |

check your marks : https://dsssbonline.nic.in/
cutoff: https://dsssb.delhi.gov.in/sites/defa...
ENGLISH bt Nimesha ma'am: 120 rules    • 120 RULES OF GRAMMAR | पूरी GRAMMAR अ...  

60 rules by rani ma'am:    • 60 Important Rules Of Grammar By Rani...  

Punctuation rules :    • Punctuation  

Dsssb reasoning: sigma academy    / @sigmaacademy  

Gk marathon classes: by ssc parmar    • Parmar's GK Batch  

@supercoachingtestbook @EnglishWithRaniMam @SIGMAAcademy @parmarssc @NIMISHABANSAL

The Motiv of these videos is simple to inspire others and myself, doing such videography helps me to stick to the books and daily targets
For further querry dm me on instagram : gauravsingh_gbu
follow me on Instagram:   / gauravsingh_gbu  

Telegram channel: HOPE IS GOOD ( https://t.me/HOPEISGOOD_GAURAVSINGH )

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