SwaTaleem Village model Video

Описание к видео SwaTaleem Village model Video

SwaTaleem takes a village approach which means we invest heavily in both in-person and low-cost technology to create a hybrid system of community members who are decision-makers. We work with Teachers, Wardens, Parents, Government officials, and local community women leaders. Through this, we are creating an ecosystem of stakeholders who are not only aware of Girls' education but also changes their perception of investing in girls' education is what we aim to do here.

We take a village approach by building an ecosystem. This exciting and bold journey is to create an ecosystem of stakeholders surrounding a girl and participate in decision-making processes that directly and indirectly impact her. This ecosystem or village, as we call it, will be aware of its mindset and supportive of its actions and will proactively encourage girls to advance in their lives. To do this, we rely on a hybrid approach drawing on critical in-person and technology elements in our programs while adhering to participatory approaches to community-based social impact.

#SwaTaleem #VillageModel #Girls #girlseducation


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