ASMR 3 hours Drawing 10 Maps on Light Table

Описание к видео ASMR 3 hours Drawing 10 Maps on Light Table

More than 3 hours Map Drawing: Canada, Europe, USA, Australia, UK, Ireland, Brazil, France, Antarctica, Arctic Ocean and Nordic Countries. Binaural Soft spoken in a Swedish accent, to help you sleep and relax.

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#ASMR #mapdrawing #asmrctica


0:00 Intro
0:58 Hi
3:00 Canada
18:15 Europe
32:26 USA
41:18 Australia
48:19 British Isles
1:00:30 Brazil
1:08:09 France
1:16:19 Antarctica
1:24:42 Arctic Ocean
1:37:53 Viking Voyages
1:43:37 Nordic Countries
2:06:26 Coast
2:49:35 Scanning

►Check out this awesome blog about ASMR (updated daily!!):

►Check out these great ASMR channels:

Let’s Find Out ASMR (Maps, astronomy, history and more)
   / @letsfindout1  

Indiee ASMR (Maps and more)
   / @indieeasmr7101  

tingledom ASMR (Maps and more)
   / @tingledom  

Gaslamp ASMR (Maps, tinkering and more)
   / @gaslampasmr  

Vitor ASMR (Maps and more, in portuguese)
   / @vitorasmr  

WelshASMR82 (Maps and more)
   / @welshasmr82  

TheWhisperCorner ASMR (Maps and more)
   / @thewhispercorner  

Griseus A.S.M.R. (Maps and more, in spanish and english)
   / @griseusasmr  

Decaf-Math ASMR (A lot of Maths)
   / @decafmathasmr  

Aussie ASMR Man (Maps and more)
   / @aussieasmrman  

ASMRk (Fixing things, woodworking)
   / @asmrk7715  

Nathan ASMR (Maps, History and more)
   / @nathanasmr  

WhisperingLife ASMR
   / @whisperinglifeasmr  

ASMR you sitting comfortably?
   / @asmryousittingcomfortably3348  


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