How I would use Marcus optimally - Reverse 1999

Описание к видео How I would use Marcus optimally - Reverse 1999

Marcus is rather interesting as she can increase her incantation ranks.

The main mechanics are [Annotate] debuff and [Perusal].

Annotate debuff is on the enemy and if they take a turn, she gets +1 Eureka, NOT when Marcus atk the enemy, I noticed a lot of CC mentioned that wrongly.

So if you see the enemy with Annotate will be taking 2 actions, Marcus will gain +2 Eureka. she generate +1 Eureka at the start of every turn too.

Her Ulti grants her 2 Eureka and also 1 precast incantation.

She needs 2 Eureka to upgrade 1* to 2* and 3 Eureka from 2* to 3*

As for Perusal, if there are 3 Plant/Spirit/intellect units, she gain +1 moxie when she use 2*/3* incantation.

This means that, she can gain 2* per incantation allowing her to gain her Ultimate quickly.

So, her recommended Rotation

1. use 2 or 3 2*/3* incantations (if you uses only 2, then consider to waste 1 AP to move her incantation to generate 1 moxie).

2. She will gain her Ultimate. Now check if she has her incantation, due to her spamming her incantation, it is likely that you have none or just 1 incantation. Use tuning and reset your incantations, so now Marcus has atleast 2 incantation. Upon using her Ulti, she gain 2 Eureka and precast.

3. in this round, even if enemy (with Annotate) only takes one action, Marcus will gain a total of 4 Eureka and able to upgrade two incantion to 2*. Now, same as Step 1, use 2 or 3 incantations to trigger her Ulti again in the next round. Then repeat 1-3.

there is no need to focus on getting 3 incantation for Marcus, if you can quickly rotate her Ult then her DMG output will be pretty damn high.

Ult consecutively?

due to the additional moxie, she can even continuously Ult almost every turn.

simply use her Ulti, move an incantation, use two 2/3* incantations. NEXT TURN, another Ulti!!



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