Ara Kara Mantra Chant 108x Dr. Pillai: Create Higher Consciousness

Описание к видео Ara Kara Mantra Chant 108x Dr. Pillai: Create Higher Consciousness

"I am coming up with a new program “Mantra Lab”. It sounds scientific, yes it is scientific. The program came out of my, several decades of teaching mantras. Without scientifically evaluating them and I am involved more in science and clinical trials. So I want to bring that methodology to the use and study of mantras. I have come to an understanding that it will be more beneficial if we try or anyone tries with a bunch of mantras and then select which one works for them. That is a scientific way of teaching mantras. So in the program that I have put together, I am going to use three mantras." - Dr. Pillai

Dr. Pillai will be doing a free introductory webinar about his new findings of Mantra Lab on April 16, 2022. Please follow the link below to register yourself for the webinar and learn from the master himself.

Link to Mantra Lab Webinar -

Ara Kara Mantra Chant By Dr. Pillai: Sounds Create Higher Consciousness

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Create the Life you always dreamed of, using this chant.

Dr. Pillai:
'Ara Kara' is a sound that rearranges the atoms of your consciousness. When Ara Kara begins to affect your psyche, then the old mind, which thinks in certain ways, begins to fall apart.

Upgrade Your Consciousness
Because Ara Kara is like an upgraded computer chip. It gives you a new momentum, a new mind. Every time you hear Ara Kara, It rearranges the atoms of your old mind. You begin to acquire a new Mind.

Every Moment Becomes New
When these Sounds get implanted in your Consciousness, then every moment will be new. It's only a matter of making the Sounds part of your consciousness.

ARA KARA Will Change The World
I know, without doubt, that Ara Kara is going to change the entire world. Every Human being is going to lead a very fulfilled life through the practice of Ara Kara [chant].


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