Get started with TensorFlow's High-Level APIs (Google I/O '18)

Описание к видео Get started with TensorFlow's High-Level APIs (Google I/O '18)

High-level APIs like tf.keras enable developers to train models easily and effectively. This session will introduce these APIs, and notebooks you can run live in the browser to get started using Colab. We'll walk you through writing your first neural network in TensorFlow using just 10 lines of code with tf.keras, and then we’ll introduce you to Eager execution. We'll close with educational resources you can use to learn more about ML. By releasing easier and more intuitive APIs, we hope to make TensorFlow, an open-source machine learning framework more accessible for all.

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Try TensorFlow with zero install →
Train your first neural network with just 10 lines of code →
Use the same Keras-compatible API with TensorFlow.js! →
Learn more about ML →

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Follow Laurence on Twitter → event: Google I/O 2018; re_ty: Publish; product: TensorFlow - General; fullname: Laurence Moroney, Josh Gordan; event: Google I/O 2018;


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