老王在中国:8歲時我是伊拉克富二代,9歲后戰爭開始了 When I was 8 years old, I was a rich second generation in Iraq...

Описание к видео 老王在中国:8歲時我是伊拉克富二代,9歲后戰爭開始了 When I was 8 years old, I was a rich second generation in Iraq...

老王在中國“最近很紅的美食博主,他常說在中國很有安全感。 其實背後的原因是他的童年曾飽受戰爭之苦。 9歲時住的大別墅被摧毀,逃難到敘利亞,生活剛剛有點起色,又中槍。 在鏡頭前,老王覺得他的人生已經很好,最起碼他活下來了。 《涼子訪談錄》帶你看看老王笑臉背後的另一面。
"Lao Wang in China", a food blogger who has become very popular recently, often says that he feels safe in China. In fact, the reason behind this is that he suffered from war in his childhood. When he was 9 years old, his large villa was destroyed, and he fled to Syria, where his life had just improved, and he was shot again. In front of the camera, Lao Wang felt that his life was already very good, at least he survived. "Interview with Ryoko" takes you to see the other side behind Lao Wang's smiling face.
"Celebrity Dialogue" series
The 729th respondent, Lao Wang in China, is an actor and food blogger


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