लागवडीसाठी संधी असलेली पिके व त्यांचे संभाव्य बाजार भाव "25 मे ते 10 जून 2023"🙏🏻

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#shetkari #shivajiawate #market #sheti #शेतकरी
Crops available for planting May 25 to June 10, 2023
At present there is a good opportunity for flower cultivation.Flower planting during the period from May 25 to June 10 can be ready for harvesting in about 50 to 60 days and from July 15 to August 15 the price of flowers is likely to be between Rs 14 to 18 per kg if the rainfall is above average. If it remains more, there is a possibility of seeing an increase of Rs. 5 more in this price. If there is more than average rainfall, prices of 20+ are likely to be seen for a few days, so the flower prices are likely to rise considerably from July 15 to August 15.
The period from May 25 to June 10 is a good opportunity for planting dodka. It will be available for sale approximately from July 15 to September 15 and the market price is likely to be between Rs 25 to 35 per kg. If the price is Rs 25 to 30 per kg, due to favorable weather conditions, dodka is likely to be very profitable at this market price.
Fenugreek and Shepu
At present, there is a good opportunity for cultivation of leafy vegetables such as fenugreek and shepu. Every year from June 1 to July 15, the prices of leafy vegetables are seen to go high. In 2023, however, the price of leafy vegetables is likely to stabilize at the highest level during the period from June 1 to July 15. To take advantage of this increased price, 25 May to June 10 is the best period for planting.
Currently there is a good opportunity for okra cultivation. Okra cultivation during the period from May 25 to June 10 will be available for sale in the market from July 15 to September 15 and the market price of okra is likely to stabilize at an average of Rs 25 to 35 per kg during this period. This price is likely to be economical compared to the cost of production.
As a non-seasonal crop we can opt for Kalingad cultivation as an alternative crop during the period 25th May to 10th June Kalingad planting will be available for sale in the market in the month of August and in the month of July, August the Kalingad market price is likely to run between Rs.15 to Rs.25. Before planting seasonal Kalingad, it is necessary to consider its dangers. Due to rainy weather, Kalingad has less fruit bearing. Therefore, before looking at the market price, it will be right if you decide to plant Kalingad by thinking about how much experience you have in that crop.
thank you


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