Transformation Tuesday- In Tune with the Infinite- Jane Bick

Описание к видео Transformation Tuesday- In Tune with the Infinite- Jane Bick

This week on Transformation Tuesday ‪@JudyMatejczyk‬ channel we present Jane Bick..... .
Jane Clanton Bick is an Alexander Technique teacher, and wellness
and performance coach. she is also a Melt Method Instructor.
Jane offers private coaching and workshops in Tucson, Arizona,
and on Maui throughout the year, as well as in other cities.
Jane also does private coaching sessions on Zoom
both in the U.S. and Internationally.

Perform Well Coaching focuses on The Alexander Technique, a research-based,
mind-body technique that offers a practical way to reduce tension and stress in every activity. Applying the Alexander Technique improves posture and movement allowing greater freedom in walking, sitting, standing, athletic skills, and all other types of performance.

#paradigmshifters #transformationtuesday #breathe #couragetochange #yesyoucan #judymatejczyk


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