George Galloway's Manifesto for the Future | Oxford Union

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George Galloway outlines his manifesto for the future.
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George Galloway outlines what Great Britain should be doing to ensure a better future for the country. Ideas include not spending £80 Billion on a Nuclear weapons program but instead fixing the deficit. Our soldiers should be brought home and the money should be spent here bettering our nation for the benefit of its inhabitants. He says that monopoly's like gas, electricity and railways should be owned by the public and not belong in the private sector. The majority shares in The Royal Mail have been sold to the King of Kuwait for £380 Million meaning the price of sending a letter or package will surely rise. Privatisation will raise the cost of living and keep the poorest people even poorer and the richest people even richer.

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George Galloway interrupted by student who accuses him of being a racist.
Filmed on Monday 14th October 2013.

Few contemporary politicians have attracted as much controversy as George Galloway. A Labour MP from 1987 to 2003, he was an outspoken critic of the policies of Tony Blair and New Labour, in particular the decision to invade Iraq. Fiery comments such as ""the best thing British troops can do is to refuse to obey illegal orders"" saw Galloway expelled from the Labour Party. But Galloway returned to the political fray by founding the Respect Party and winning Bethnal Green and Bow in the 2005 General Election. Mr Galloway re-entered Parliament in this March as MP for Bradford West and has recently provoked controversy and criticism with his comments on the rape charges against Wikileaks' Julian Assange.

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