25. Editing and Using Templates in Excel

Описание к видео 25. Editing and Using Templates in Excel

In this lesson I will show you how you can edit a template. I mean how you can make changes to the template itself and not on a workbook based on that template. I will also show you how you can use templates stored anywhere on your computer.
This lesson is part of the Excel Basic Level course brought to you by Vasilis Tavoultsids and LearnSoft education software company. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to start learning Excel and has no prior experience, but it is also suitable for anyone who is already working with Excel but at a basic level.
Through this course you will create a solid foundation of the fundamental way Excel works. This basis will help you build your skills on Excel in any area you want.
Think of course as an investment of time. The time you will invest in this course will come back to you multiple times because you will be able to understand how thinks work and so spend less time on tasks that otherwise would take longer to complete.
One more advantage is that you will be able to seek for help or search for tutorials online or even use AI tools in a more efficient way. Once you are really aware of the basics of Excel you will be in a position to understand what you are looking for and thus ask for it in the proper way.


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