zoia euroburo plays itself with help from øchd (ambient)

Описание к видео zoia euroburo plays itself with help from øchd (ambient)

4 lfos from øchd feed square wave lfos in the zoia. these square wave lfos act as clock for three different sequencers which feed three different oscilators.

a random lfo from zoia is passed to a slew limiter in zoia and sent to øchd to slightly modulate the lfos feeding zoia.

the oscillators in zoia are fed into vcas which are cross-patched with the lfos from øchd, creating a fading in-and-out volume structure.

auto-pans are cross-patched to send the oscillators through the stereo field.

these oscillators are sent to a reverb + ping pong delay combo, and also to a reverb lite for space effects.

finally, a square wave oscillator in zoia droning on the note A is sent through a filter and vca, with an internal zoia lfos modulating it's volume over time.

Empress Effects ZOIA Euroburo: https://bit.ly/3yQ7eLj
Roland SYS-531 6-CH Mixer: https://bit.ly/3jWDrwx
øchd Organic Drift LFO: https://bit.ly/3lkrZKq

This is the channel for all of the modular experiments too weird to go on the Red Means Recording main channel. For regular Red Means Recording go to    / redmeansrecording  .

For all music and other links, go here: https://rmr.media/findme


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