Custom Cat Litter Box Made Simple - DIY

Описание к видео Custom Cat Litter Box Made Simple - DIY

How to make a custom cat litter box so that your dogs can't get to it, while keeping cleaning up as painless as possible. More info:

How to make a custom litter box so that your dogs can’t get to it, while keeping cleaning up as painless as possible.

I used the largest plastic tote I could find and another that would fit inside. You just need to go to the store and see what they have as every store has different items. There are several different methods you can use to cut the opening. I used sheetmetal cutters, but you could also use a soldering iron to make the edges smoother.

I have large dogs, so making the opening in the front is not a problem. If you have small dogs, maybe try putting the opening on the top and placing the containers on a sturdy table (i.e. a coffee table you can pick up at a garage sale).


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