Clip - 5S: It's Not Just a Tool, It's a Way of Life - Preview

Описание к видео Clip - 5S: It's Not Just a Tool, It's a Way of Life - Preview

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5S | Part 1 of 5
It's Not Just a Tool, It's a Way of Life

Presented by Mike Micklewright

For the episode, go to:

The importance of 5S is largely misunderstood and underappreciated as a tool to be used to lay the foundation of a successful lean transformation. As such, top management’s role in rolling out 5S is minimized and delegated to those with lower responsibility because it is perceived to be a tool that does not require top management’s involvement. This is absolutely an incorrect assumption because without top management’s involvement, 5S and many of the benefits of a lean transformation will not be realized.

Why Top Management’s Involvement is Crucial to 5S Success
What is 5S and What are its Benefits?
What is the Purpose of 5S? What is it Not Meant To Do?
5S’s Role in a Business Management System
Top Manager’s Responsibilities in Ensuring Effective 5S
5S As A Way of Life

Target Audience:
Top management


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