17. HTTP PUT Method in Rest Assured

Описание к видео 17. HTTP PUT Method in Rest Assured

The HTTP PUT method is used to update an existing resource or create a new resource if it does not already exist. It's part of the HTTP methods used in RESTful services for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

Key Characteristics of the HTTP PUT Method
Idempotent: This means that sending the same PUT request multiple times will result in the same outcome. For example, updating a user's profile with the same data multiple times should produce the same result.

Request Body: The data you want to update or create is included in the body of the PUT request. This data typically overwrites the existing resource.

Common Uses:

Updating an Existing Resource: If you want to update a resource (e.g., updating a user's details), you would use PUT.
Creating a Resource: If the resource does not exist, PUT can be used to create it. However, this is less common compared to POST.
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