Fruity Formula Controller Functions Explained (with examples)

Описание к видео Fruity Formula Controller Functions Explained (with examples)

So here's my explanation on the FFC functions, tried to make it as ELI5 or beginner friendly as I could and simplify stuff whenever possible. A little disclaimer, I don't have a math degree, I've only taken a couple of university level math classes when I was studying software engineering. I tried to fact check the best I could but if you see any mistakes or anything that could've been expressed better, please point it out in the comments. This project kind of escalated and it wasn't supposed to be as math heavy and the amount of work kind of took me by surprise but I really hope it turned out good and that it'll be useful to some of you out there! Also, if anyone can provide an explanation on the Date function and what practical uses it could have, please leave a comment! I just haven't figured out anything to use it for really so I kind of just glossed over that here.

So here are some formulas and examples that you can download:
Triangle: ArcCos(Cos(SongTime*2))*b+c
Pulse: Round(b+Sin(a*10*SongTime)*b)
Saw: Frac(SongTime)

Websites and materials used: (animation) (animation)

00:00 Intro
00:40 Things You Need To Know
06:58 Abs
08:12 ArcCos
10:28 ArcSin
11:35 ArcTg
12:53 Atan2
15:30 Case
17:14 Cos
17:52 CoSec
20:02 Ctg
21:14 Exp
22:52 Frac
24:02 IfE
26:50 IfG
28:09 IfGE
28:57 IfL
29:23 IfLE
29:44 Int
31:42 Inter
33:05 Internoswap
33:48 Ln
35:31 Log10
38:10 Log2
38:31 Max
39:41 Min
39:56 Neg
41:10 Pi
41:38 Rand
41:56 Round
43:32 Sec
44:32 SeededRand
45:56 Sin
46:42 Sqrt
47:08 Sum
47:44 Tg
49:24 Tension
50:30 SongTime
50:38 Time
51:42 Date
52:21 Mouse X, Mouse Y
53:19 Outro


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