What have I done? I bought a very cheap Cat S Maserati... Part 1, yes it’s not easy…

Описание к видео What have I done? I bought a very cheap Cat S Maserati... Part 1, yes it’s not easy…

So I have done something either that is either very stupid, daring or clever - time will tell…

I have bought a crash damaged Maserati Granturismo 4.2 V8 Auto. The parts for these things are extortionately expensive. The reputation of their reliability is not great. I know nothing about Category S Structural damage cars. I don’t have much money and I don’t have much time. Yet I am experiencing joy (along with a lot of fear).

So I hope to somehow use my tightness, obtuse nature and arrogance to make this make sense so that I can keep costs down and keep this car. I mean a borderline grumpy personality must have some use?

Hopefully some of this an future videos will be of use as I intend to keep it completely DIY and I over share and am too honest. If I mess up, I will say...


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