Meeting Mingy Jongo with Mumbo Jumbo! (Check Description!)

Описание к видео Meeting Mingy Jongo with Mumbo Jumbo! (Check Description!)

In Cloud Cuckooland in Banjo-Tooie, Mumbo has Two Skulls on the Map, a Red one and a Blue one. It’s possible to determine which Skull belongs to the Boss, Mingy Jongo, by using a few methods!

Firstly, Mingy Jongo isn’t programmed to wake up to any Character that isn’t Banjo and Kazooie. So using that logic, as you’ll see in the Video, you can enter Mingy‘s House with Mumbo. If playing as Mumbo wasn’t proof enough that Mingy is a fake, his eyes will also be dark red!

But how do you figure out which house is fake? Well, when you load up the game, the Mumbo Houses are chosen Randomly. In one save file, Mumbo himself will be in the Blue House, while in another save file, he’ll be in the Red House. The BEST way to determine which House is Mumbo’s, is to look at the Jinjo in the lower floor. In the REAL Mumbo’s House, the Jinjo will ACTUALLY be a Minjo, and will attack you! But in Mingy’s House, the Jinjo is real, and can be collected! So keep that in mind! Jinjo = Boss House, Minjo = Mumbo’s House!

Another way to tell which House is what, is the way Mumbo acts when you’re inside his House. If you enter Mingy Jongo’s House as Banjo Kazooie and enter the Upper Floor, the Boss Cutscene will start, so to avoid that, find out which House is Mingy’s and enter the House using the Bee Form (Found at Wumba’s place). Since the Bee form ISN’T the Bear and Bird Duo, Mingy won’t wake up from his sleep. And that’s where our tell is!

Mingy Jongo will be “Asleep” when you’re in his House, whereas Mumbo himself will be awake, simply sitting in his Chair, waiting for a Glowbo!

This next part isn’t relevant, but still interesting! Mumbo always refers to Banjo and Kazooie upon greeting them as ‘Bear and Bird’, but Mingy Jongo will call Banjo by his name, which is a fun little tell that he’s not who he seems to be!

That’s all for this little info drop! If you like this video, be sure to let me know! I’ll try and record the Boss Fight itself sometime!


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