40 ਸਾਲਾਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਪਹਿਲੀ ਸ਼ਾਨਦਾਰ ਫ਼ਸਲ ਹੋਈ Save your soil with Zytonic M by Zydex

Описание к видео 40 ਸਾਲਾਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਪਹਿਲੀ ਸ਼ਾਨਦਾਰ ਫ਼ਸਲ ਹੋਈ Save your soil with Zytonic M by Zydex

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#farming #agricultural #soil #ਖੇਤੀ

Zytonic M : a farmer feedback video who experience the results of Zytonic M.

How is Zytonic M better than other bio-fertilizers and how is it beneficial for farmers?

Agricultural soils today need to produce safe, nutritious and affordable food for all. The world is concerned about deteriorating soil health due to the heavy usage of chemical fertilizers and crop-care chemicals. Moreover, reducing the impact of farming on the environment, human health and well-being of livestock, along with sustainably increasing farmer income, is where the real challenge lies.

Zydex has developed a next generation technology for soil fertility improvement that substantially boosts the natural soil biological population and its functioning efficiency. The Zytonictechnology platformenables bio-farming with reduced chemical inputs and substantial water savings, resulting in higher yields and improved crop quality.

1. Higher Germination:Zytonic M makes soils soft, porous, aerated and improves soil water-holding capacity, thereby improving germination from 70 to75% to 85 to 95%. It ensures 15 to 20% higher plant survival. Higher land occupancy per acre leads to 15 to 20% higher production.

2. Enhanced Plant growth & Quality: Soft and porous soils promote a larger, profuse white root zone with an extended mycorrhiza hyphae network. This along with the enhanced soil biology delivers substantially higher amount of nutrients and also makes them continuously available to the plants throughout the growing season. This results in each plant having a thicker stem, denser canopy and a 15 to 20% increase in flowering & fruiting. A large and biologically active root zone with optimum water, ensures higher nutrient density in the produce. This enhances the aroma, taste and shelf life of the agricultural produce, giving farmers a higher price realization for their farm produce.

3. Water Harvesting & Savings:Zytonic-M ensures that porous soils hold moisture even during drought-like conditions. At the same time, due to the higher infiltration capacity of the soil it allows excess rains to percolate down into the fields easily without flooding. This protects the crop from damage due to anaerobic conditions. Porosity improvement also helps to reduce the salt concentration in the topsoil. Higher infiltration rate means improved rainwater harvesting. Typically, 150-200 thousand liters of water can be recharged every year in ZytonicM fields. The moisture holding capacity improvement in Zytonic M fields also helps to extend the irrigation cycle by 30-40%.

4. Reduced usage of Chemical fertilizers & Pesticide Sprays: Only 20-25% of chemical fertilizers applied are actually utilized by plants. Zytonic-M improves the nutrient uptake capacity of the crops due to a larger and denser root zone with an extended mycorrhiza hyphae network. This ensures a 50% reduction in the need for chemical fertilizers and subsequently lesser irrigation requirement for plant growth. These 2 factors dramatically improve the crops immunity and resistance to pests and fungal attacks leading to a reduction in the number of chemical sprays required.

5. Improved Soil Health & Organic Carbon: The Zytonic-M treated fields have darker green foliage leading to enhanced photosynthetic activity. The higher sugar and carbohydrate production is pushed out as liquid root exudates to feed the enhanced soil biology. This along with remnants from a large root zone builds up soil carbon content, thereby improving soil health.


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