How Jax Jungle Dominate Easy Matchups - League of legends

Описание к видео How Jax Jungle Dominate Easy Matchups - League of legends

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The Top three steps against Xin Zhao are as follows :-

Step 1:- Always Camp bot lane coz his a early strong champ so his gonna be more aggressive and try to camp the most crucial lane (Bot lane).

Step 2:- Try to Invade him much more harder and force him to do a 1 v 1 Jax Jungle usually defeats him after lvl 3 but watchout for Rotations.

Step 3:- Later, All you gotta do is just Split push lanes only if your laner's are losing or stay with them to make tf's much easier.

If you like my video please like share and subscribe to my channel for more amazing Jax Jungle Builds strategy and Many more.


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