PS5 | Bruce Lee vs. Indian Dancer Street [EA Sport UFC 4]🥊

Описание к видео PS5 | Bruce Lee vs. Indian Dancer Street [EA Sport UFC 4]🥊

PS5 | Bruce Lee vs. Indian Dancer Street [EA Sport UFC 4]💃


Bruce Lee (nee Lee Jun-fan) was an outstanding martial arts instructor, a film actor, a screenwriter, a philosopher and a founder of Jeet Kun Do. He was a well-known reformer in the field of Chinese martial arts.

In 1958 he started participating at school competitions in boxing. Then he decided to take up kung fu. His first kung fu teacher was amazed how quickly he mastered the basics. He could learn certain movements in just three days, while others spent weeks on this. In 1956, in Hong Kong he studied Wing Chun style of kung fu. Since then, it was his main style. Bruce Lee made a significant contribution to popularize this style and he took part in several films about it, including “Fist of Fury”. The main idea of this style was to fight without weapon. Later, he mastered judo, jiu-jitsu and boxing. He gradually developed his own style of martial arts known as Jeet Kun Do.🐉

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