INDIA plans to bring impeachment motion against HC Judge Shekhar Yadav? Will BJP protect him?

Описание к видео INDIA plans to bring impeachment motion against HC Judge Shekhar Yadav? Will BJP protect him?

इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट के जज शेखर यादव पर मुस्लिम विरोधी बयान भारी पड़ेगा । विपक्ष ने महाभियोग लाने की प्रकिया शुरू की । 36 सांसदों का नोटिस पर हस्ताक्षर । क्या पास होगा प्रस्ताव ? क्या मोदी सरकार बतायेगी जज को ? आशुतोष के साथ चर्चा में राकेश सिन्हा, फ़िरदौस मिर्ज़ा, सुनील शुक्ला और अशोक बागड़िया ।

Allahabad High Court judge Shekhar Yadav will have to pay heavily for his anti-Muslim statement. Opposition has started the process of impeachment. 36 MPs have signed the notice. Will the proposal be passed? Will the Modi government inform the judge? Rakesh Sinha, Firdaus Mirza, Sunil Shukla and Ashok Bagaria in discussion with Ashutosh.

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