Flat Track 7.17.2024 Menard County Fair

Описание к видео Flat Track 7.17.2024 Menard County Fair

This is a non-district event. No points. Just a way to keep racing. For me, on a different track. Not sure I liked this track very much. Kind of full if rocks. Some of them not so little. If they fly up and hit you, they really hurt.
Had a setback with the #1 bike. Lost the clutch right as I was ready to head out for the Open Am Main. So didn't get to race in that. Rode bike #2 for the 450 A. Not a very good event for me. Guess you can't win them all. Think I'm going to take a short break and regroup, take a look at 'stuff' then do some preparation and move on to the next event.


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