DHA Gujranwala|| new transfer office || complete detail ||latest development update|| 03218492007

Описание к видео DHA Gujranwala|| new transfer office || complete detail ||latest development update|| 03218492007

DHA Gujranwala|| new transfer office || complete detail ||latest development update|| Graceland Real Estate

CEO Sohail Ahmed 03218492007

#graceland #realestate #gujranwala #dha#

20- G DHA Phase-1 Lahore Pakistan


Are you looking for property files on Graceland Real Estate Housing Scheme Society and DHA Gujranwala ?

We offer the best housing Project files at Low Rates near you. Graceland Real Estate provides you best reasonable Price Plots files suggestion.

In this video, we discuss the following topics:
1. Comparison between Files and dha Gujranwala plot files.
2. Rates and DHA Gujranwala files.
3. What is the effect of the Dollar and gold on Pakistani Properties?

Real Estate Investors suggest you buy files. When Plot Files were at their Peak, we suggested that we invested in the plots and files when the Real Estate market was down because many peoples sell files at very low rates.

DHA Gujranwala 5 marla file price was 50*** before 6 months, but now they are selling these files for 32***. DHA Gujranwala 10 marla file price was 70*** before 6 months, but now they are selling these files for 52***, and 1 Kanal Plots file Price is 1crore and 24 , but now it's 81

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