The Chinese Year of the Metal Ox with Nicholas Haines

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The Chinese Year of the Metal Ox – A Unique Map For 2021 & Beyond with Nicholas Haines

At the end of 2019 Nicholas Haines shared with the audiences all over the world about the upcoming year of the Metal Rat. He said they’d have to watch out for loss and loneliness in the 2020 and they’d be given a chance to work out what they valued. Plus, it would be a fast-moving year with hoarding and fighting if people felt backed into a corner, which to a certain extent summed up 2020! Along with the incredible kindness we saw too.

On March 30th Nicholas has agreed to join us to explore what is ahead for us in 2021. He describes the Metal Ox as a different year from 2020 but with equally essential lessons for you. Plus, a fantastic set of opportunities waiting to be grasped.

In this workshop, Nicholas will share…

• What’s driving patterns and behaviours in 2021 and beyond
• The three important guiding principles to follow in 2021
• The geopolitical and social opportunities for us all – and our collective challenge!
• How the 2021 Metal Ox year can impact our confidence and closest relationships
• Easy to use techniques to reduce stress and embrace new situations

The session will be practical as well as enlightening. What you learn in this one evening will serve you all your life and help you support those nearest and dearest to you.

Nicholas is in huge demand at the moment, and we are thrilled he is joining our community.

About Nicholas Haines
Nicholas Haines is the creator of The Vitality Test, as well as an international speaker, author, strategist and teacher in Chinese energetics. He is also co-founder of the #NoMoreBoxes Movement.

Through his work at the Five Institute Nicholas has been engaged by a diverse range of companies, individuals and organisations from leadership teams at large corporations through to NHS hospitals, educational institutes and international governments to address issues around relationships, cultures, communication, diversity, empowerment and kindness.

You’ll also find him passionately sharing the wisdom of the Five Energies and how they apply in our everyday life and relationships within various books, programs, courses, webinars and live events. His work is based on nearly 40 years’ experience in this field and over 50,000 one on one consultations helping and exploring how to love living as you.


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