The child in us

Описание к видео The child in us

Christ and Krishna

Krishna is God, Radha is the soul
Christ is the spirit of God, Jesus(Yeshua) is the soul

God within the human soul is the child in us

God is spiritually like a child

Song: Sygn - the child in us

prasanna vadanaaM saubhaagyadaaM bhaagyadaaM
hastaabhyaaM abhayapradaaM maNigaNair-
who is of smiling face, bestower of all fortunes,
whose hands are ready to rescue anyone from fear,
who is adorned by various ornaments with precious stones

Puer natus est nobis,
et filius datus est nobis:
cujus emperium super humerum...
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be upon his shoulder...

Some day you came
And I knew you were the one
You were the rain, you were the sun
But I needed both, cause I needed you
You were the one
I was dreaming of all my life
When it is dark you are my light
But don't forget
Who's always our guide
It is the child in us


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