MCQ of Refrigerant Part 2 mcq of rac mcq of Refrigeration and air Conditioning

Описание к видео MCQ of Refrigerant Part 2 mcq of rac mcq of Refrigeration and air Conditioning

In this video I explained the MCQ, true false, Numerical type MCQ with solution and description of answer for a chapter Refrigerant of refrigeration and air conditioning.

Playlist link of MCQ of RAC:    • RAC : MCQ of RAC ( Refrigeration and ...  

MCQ of Introduction of Refrigeration and Air conditioning:
   • MCQ of Chapter Introduction of Refrig...  
MCQ of Refrigerant Part 1:    • MCQ of Refrigerant MCQ of Refrigerati...  
MCQ of Refrigerant Part 2:    • MCQ of Refrigerant Part 2 mcq of rac ...  

CH: Introduction of RAC:    • RAC: CH: Introduction of RAC  
Ch: Refrigerant:
   • RAC: Ch:Refrigerant  
CH:Air Refrigeration system:
   • RAC: CH:Air Refrigeration system  

CH: VCRS- Vapor compression refrigeration system:
   • RAC: CH: VCRS- Vapor compression refr...  

CH: Compound VCRS:
   • RAC: CH:Compound VCRS,multi compressi...  
CH: VARS (Vapour absorption refrigeration system)
   • RAC: CH: Human comfort  

CH: Component of Refrigeration system:
   • RAC: CH: Component of Refrigeration s...  

CH: Psychrometry and Psychrometric processes:
   • RAC: CH: Psychrometry and psy processes  

CH: Human comfort:
   • RAC: CH: Human comfort  

CH: Load analysis:
   • RAC: CH: Load analysis  
CH: Duct and duct design:
   • RAC: CH: Duct and duct design  

CH: Air conditioning system:
   • RAC: CH: Air conditioning system  


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