【不说话做饭 No Talking】传统哈拉challah面包 Challah Bread Recipe

Описание к видео 【不说话做饭 No Talking】传统哈拉challah面包 Challah Bread Recipe

做个传统的哈拉面包 造型花样多变的辫子面包 我们先从最简单的3股做起 详细编法用慢速回看视频应该就清楚了


To make a traditional Hala bread, braided bread with various shapes and patterns, let's start with the simplest 3 strands. The detailed weaving method should be clear by watching the video at a slow speed.

Ingredients: 350g bread flour, 30g honey, 4g salt, 4g yeast, 2 eggs (about 100g), about 120g water, 30g butter


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