ENRIO 2023 - Oral session 2 "Handling Research Misconduct - from RFO to RPO"

Описание к видео ENRIO 2023 - Oral session 2 "Handling Research Misconduct - from RFO to RPO"

Oral session 2 : "Handling Research Misconduct - from RFO to RPO"

Lydia Llaga, Philip Ridder, Current questions in regulating research misconduct - A research funder's perspective
Katrin Frisch, Nele Reeg, Handling multi-layered misconduct cases – The limits of ombudswork?
Anne Fogli, Collective organization of scientific integrity officers in France and production of resources. E.g. the procedures manual describing the treatment of scientific integrity (IS) misconducts
Mads Goddiksen, A third of European PhD students believe they have granted a guest authorship to a person in power. What should we do?


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