Local Accreditation at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Описание к видео Local Accreditation at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

A local accreditation programme has been implemented at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT). Wards across the Trust are regularly inspected by a team of independent senior nurses and assessed against a range of measures. ULHT has created 13 quality standards which the wards are measured against. During an inspection of a ward, the senior nursing team will look at many areas of care including how falls and pressure ulcers are prevented on the ward, how the correct nutrition for patients is maintained, the experience of patients, the workforce in the area, infection prevention performance and the end of life care provided.

Each ward will be given a rating of Red, Amber, or Green based on how it scores in the 13 standards. The ward team will then be supported to develop and implement an improvement action plan to further enhance the quality of care and patient experience before the next ward inspection.

Visit https://www.england.nhs.uk/nursingmid... to learn more about setting up local ward accreditation and access a wealth of resources available that aim to showcase exemplars and to help set up local ward and unit accreditation programmes, embrace the leadership potential of all staff and demonstrate positive outcomes in some brilliant local quality initiatives.


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