Jonathan Allen & Amie Parnes, "Shattered"

Описание к видео Jonathan Allen & Amie Parnes, "Shattered"

In their latest collaboration, Allen and Parnes, authors of the comprehensive portrait of Hillary Clinton, HRC, build on their deep knowledge of the former Secretary of State to recreate her presidential campaign from start to devastating finish. Allen, who has covered national politics for journals including Politico, Bloomberg, and Vox, and now writes a weekly political column for Roll Call, and Parnes, the senior White House correspondent for The Hill, draw on access to Clinton’s aides and associates to explain her defeat. They look at factors including Comey’s allegations, but largely see Clinton herself as the source of the difficulty, responsible for problems ranging from the failure to harness populist discontent to the inability to convey a compelling vision.

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Produced by Tom Warren


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