《少年康熙》11 | 擒鰲拜平三藩鞏固皇位 盡顯康熙大帝政治權謀 | 鄧超 潘虹 劉園園 姚芊羽 王輝 李建義

Описание к видео 《少年康熙》11 | 擒鰲拜平三藩鞏固皇位 盡顯康熙大帝政治權謀 | 鄧超 潘虹 劉園園 姚芊羽 王輝 李建義

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   • 【鄧超主演】《少年康熙》康熙成功平定三藩,卻目睹親人相續離世,康熙大帝終成...  

📺 劇名:#少年康熙
🎬 集數:20
📜 劇情簡介:順治死,留下半張遺詔,立康親王傑書為帝。然而,在太皇太后孝莊的推動下,經過一場波譎雲詭的政治鬥爭,終把玄燁推到帝位上,改元康熙,亦埋下了日後多場奪宮爭位之危機。
後在接連不斷的鬥爭中,康熙漸漸成長起來。及後首輔索尼死,鰲拜借圈地一事,成功打倒次輔蘇克薩哈,至此,鰲拜已權傾朝野,開始與康熙正面對抗了。 康熙發揮了他的政治智慧,經過一輪逼宮、反撲,終於擒下鰲拜,朝中大權,已盡在康熙手裏了。

導演:#小多 #澄豐
演員:#鄧超 #潘虹 #姚芊羽 #劉園園 #王輝 #郝伯傑 #李建義 #楊紫

🎬 Episodes: 20
📜 Synopsis: Emperor Shunzhi's death left a half-written testament, appointing Prince Kang as the new emperor. However, under the influence of Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, a convoluted political struggle unfolded, ultimately placing Emperor Kangxi on the throne, ushering in the Kangxi era but also setting the stage for future palace power struggles.

Shunzhi devoted his life to promoting unity between the Manchu and Han people, which threatened the interests of Manchu officials. Four powerful ministers initiated the "Ming History Case" and suppressed the spiritual leader of the Han people, Tang Ruowang, through the "Divination Case," before Kangxi assumed full power. Kangxi, who had connections with one of the main culprits of the Ming History Case, Lu Jian, and Tang Ruowang, stood against his advisers.

Through a series of ongoing struggles, Kangxi gradually matured. After the death of his chief minister, Soni, Aobai successfully overthrew the second-ranking minister, Suksaha, using the land enclosure issue, putting Aobai in a dominant position and directly challenging Kangxi. Kangxi demonstrated his political acumen, launching a counterattack and finally capturing Aobai, consolidating power in his own hands.

The Three Feudatories, regional military forces that helped pacify the south during the early Qing dynasty, posed a hidden threat to the court. However, Kangxi's overconfidence led to a misjudgment of their power. Fortunately, he realized his mistake in time, resolving the crisis in the harem and pacifying the Three Feudatories. As a result, peace reigned throughout the land, and the people enjoyed a prosperous era for centuries, honoring Emperor Kangxi as a wise ruler.


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