PANEL - Threats to Human Security in the Global South

Описание к видео PANEL - Threats to Human Security in the Global South


Theme: Threats to Human Security in the Global South

The devastating impact of climate change, forced migration, food insecurity, sexual and gender-basedviolence, and other threats to human security present major obstacles to countries in the Global South. In regions like the Sahel in sub-Saharan Africa and in Central and South Asia, these issues intersect and can exacerbate one another, presenting governments with a Herculean challenge. This panel will discuss what steps the international community can take to help prevent instability in crucial regions throughout the Global South.

Moderator: Dr. Lyla Kohistany, Former counterterrorism analyst in Afghanistan, NATO, SOF, Senior Fellow, The Soufan Group

H.E. Hekmat Karzai, Chairman, Centre for Conflict and Peace Studies
Mr. Wassim Nasr, Journalist, France 24, Senior Research Fellow, The Soufan Center

Dr. Adejoké Babington-Ashaye, Former Senior Consultant, The World Bank, Senior Research Fellow, The Soufan Center

Ms. Naureen Chowdhury Fink, Executive Director, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT)

The 2024 Global Security Forum addressed the theme 'Strategic Competition: The Complexity of Interdependence.'

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