Cheatsheet 2: Capitalizing and Formatting Titles of Texts | PACT and PASS

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In this cheatsheet, you'll learn all about capitalizing and formatting titles of texts using the KISSful Learning original acronyms PACT and PASS! Enjoy! :)

CCSS ELA-LITERACY Anchor Standard(s)
L.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

CCSS ELA-LITERACY Grade-Specific Standard(s)
L.3.2.A Capitalize appropriate words in titles.
L.5.2.D Use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to indicate titles of works.


#ela #commoncore #titles #L.2 #L.3.2 #L.3.2.A #L.5.2 #L.5.2.D


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