Catherine: A Story by William Makepeace Thackeray read by Mark Leder | Full Audio Book

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Catherine: A Story by William Makepeace Thackeray (1811 - 1863)
Genre(s): Fictional Biographies & Memoirs, Historical Fiction, Humorous Fiction

Read by: Mark Leder in English

00:00:00 - 00 - Advertisement
00:01:37 - 01 - Introducing to the reader the chief personage of this narrative, Part One
01:00:12 - 02 - Introducing to the reader the chief personage of this narrative, Part Two
01:17:05 - 03 - In which are depicted pleasures of a sentimental attachment
01:46:41 - 04 - In which a narcotic is administered, and a great deal of genteel society depicted
02:11:53 - 05 - In which Mrs. Catherine becomes an honest woman again
02:39:35 - 06 - Contains Mr. Brock's autobiography, and other matters
03:11:13 - 07 - Adventures of the ambassador, Mr. Macshane
03:54:13 - 08 - Which embraces a period of seven years
04:39:17 - 09 - Enumerates the accomplishments of Master Thomas Billings--introduces Mr. Brock as Doctor Wood--- and announces the execution of Ensign Macshane
05:18:16 - 10 - Interview between Count Galgenstein and Master Thomas Billings, when he informs the Count of his parentage
05:47:23 - 11 - Showing how Galgenstein and Mrs. Cat recognize each other in Marylebone Gardens,\--and how the Count drives her home in his carriage
06:15:15 - 12 - Of some domestic quarrels, and the consequences thereof
06:52:22 - 13 - Treat of love and prepares for death
07:03:57 - 14 - Being a preparation for the end
07:08:54 - 15 - The last
07:22:54 - 16 - Another last chapter

The wild and raw adventures of Catherine Hayes, who was burned for murder at Tyburn in 1742 - Summary by Mark Leder

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