Recreate Church, Pastor Michael Shockley—Service, August 25, 2024

Описание к видео Recreate Church, Pastor Michael Shockley—Service, August 25, 2024


Discipleship, Part Two.
Today, Pastor Michael is returning the reigns over to David Boudreaux to let him finish his series on Matthew 28: 16 - 20, “The Great Commission,” and a study on discipleship.
So, to ick up where we left off, here is a brief summary of last week’s message. It looked at the definition of a disciple, which said, in part, that anyone proclaiming to be a follower of Jesus is a disciple. 
This was not a suggestion by Jesus but a mandate, a command.  And we’ll pick right up there.  Here, David points out that if you’re a seasoned believer, find someone to help and be open to being taught.  In other words, go and make disciples.  We’re not called to do this by ourselves but with the authority and power of Jesus himself.
To make a disciple, we must first be a disciple.  Did you know that the word disciple appears 269 times in the bible?  Jesus didn’t come to make Christians; he came to make disciples.
Every disciple should have three (3) folks at their side:
A Paul, who is older and wiser.
A Barnabas, who is a friend and holds you accountable.
A Timothy, a younger believer that we are investing in.
Every believer needs to ask two (2) questions:
Who am I discipling?
Who is discipling me?
Today’s verses can be found in Matthew 28: 16 - 20, Acts 1: 15, Matthew 5: 14 - 16, John 8: 12, Mark 16: 15, Acts 17: 11, 1 Peter 1: 16, James 2: 14, 2: 17 - 20., Acts 1: 14, 1 Corinthians 10: 12 and Matthew 25: 20 -30.
Scripture quotations marked CSB have been taken from the Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.


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