Come To London! (1966)

Описание к видео Come To London! (1966)

An original 1966 British Pathe video about some of London's quirks and the reason people are attracted to the city.

An original 1966 British Pathe video about some of London's quirks and the reason people are attracted to the city. Initially called "London" the title has been changed to differentiate it from other clips in the archive. [Edited - 07/06/2012]

A look at various attractions in the Capital - more historical than swinging!

Panning shot down busy market in Berwick St. M/S of a salesman selling china to a crowd in Gravesend Market with cheeky cockney banter (synchronised sound).

High angled shot of Trafalgar Square. M/S of a man and woman feeding pigeons in the Square. C/U of the girl with pigeons landing on her hand. High angled shot of a barge going up a canal, pan to busy London street nearby. Panning shot of smartly dressed people riding through Hyde Park. Two deer are seen feeding from the hand of a fisherman by pond.

M/S of a calm lake, pan to a red double decker riding past. The bus is seen passing the National Gallery with St. Martin's in the Fields in the background. Low angled shot of St. Martin's spire. Various shots of Church spires and towers around London. L/S of the exterior of the Law Courts.

Low angled shot of a scaffolding covered dome of St. Paul's. Various shots of different parts of the cathedral, workmen are seen chipping and sanding off thick crusts of soot from St. Paul's. Panning shot follows a young couple in an M.G. car driving into the Barbican. Various shots of workmen on scaffolding cleaning old buildings, good views of the Capital from the scaffolding.

M/S of men in Cavalier and Roundhead costumes marching in the Lord Mayor's show. Low angled shot of children in the crowd waving Union Jacks. M/S of the famous gold carriage passing a platform of dignitaries. M/S of vintage cars passing in the procession.

M/S of the car themed, 'Two Hoots' restaurant in Bishopsgate. The couple (seen in the M.G.) are seated at a table, a waiter in driving goggles shows them the menu. Various shots of car related artefacts on the walls. Various shots of diners being served. More shots of the cockney market salesman entertaining the crowd with his banter. Various shots of a Pan American airliner landing at an airport. Passengers are seen coming down aeroplane steps, other planes are seen taking off.

M/S of the M.G. coming under Admiralty arch, point view shot from inside the car as it drives down the Mall. Various shots of Household Cavalry riding into their barracks. M/S of a horse and cart riding by the Thames. M/S of the couple looking over the Thames at the Houses of Parliament. Some shots of a water scooter on the Thames (see note in record c). The couple get back into their M.G. and drive past Parliament.

M/S of an Evening Standard van parking. M/S of press photographers. Various shots of a chef icing a giant cake. Britt Ekland is escorted into shot, she climbs a ladder and cuts into the cake. As she cuts, Peter Sellers bursts out of the cake driving a Mini (her present). More shots of the press, Brit and Peter lean on the car posing for photographs. M/S of Frank Ifield in a pub in Fleet St., he is being interviewed by Pat Doncaster. M/S of journalists around a pub table, pan to Frank's table. George Casey, sports journalist, eating a pub sandwich. C/U of the back to front sign for the 'Gentlemen's' - a printer's joke! Various shots of theatrical and historical artefacts on the pub walls.

Various shots of a Sherlock Holmes theme pub in Baker Street that looks like the detective's study, the landlord wears a deerstalker. Various shots of a pub in Covent Garden where Barrow boys from the market mix with "baritones of the Opera House". Some shots of vegetable deliveries at Covent Garden.

More shots of the cheeky cockney barrow boy selling china to an eager crowd - he throws a pile of china in the air and catches them. Several 'plants' in the audience start the bidding - very 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels'!

Note: this story is a bit of an odd mixture - it appears to use material from other Colour Pictorials: the water scooter is in AMPHIBIOUS WATER SCOOTER in CP 574, it also revisits places previously featured - the Sherlock Holmes pub is in SHERLOCK HOLMES PUB in CP 162. Other sequences may also have been reused or revisited.

Cuts exist - please see separate record.
FILM ID:351.03




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