To Do List

Описание к видео To Do List


❤️Just in time for Valentines, tag that someone at the top of your “To Do List”

🇺🇸👉🏽Attention fans: As most know Trey Healy chose to wear his hat backwards to send a tribute to his brother who was injured at war. Not only for him but all of the other men and woman who give their life so we can be safe. Coming from someone that’s wore a cowboy hat his entire life, We feel its a special tribute to our soldiers. Trey is a passionate artists who believes in giving thanks to those that have served. #hatbackfortroops ❤️❤️❤️

Artist hair is also pinked out in memory of a friends little girl that lost her life. #Kilahdavenport

Song title: To Do List
Writter: Trey Healy
Artist: Trey Healy
Music produced by: Leland Grant
Video Produced by: Trey Healy & Leland Herzog
Video production company: The Lux Collective
Directed by: Mike White
Music mixed: Billy Decker
Hair and makeup: Sara Capps
Video wife: Nicole Scaggs

Guitar: Dave Baker
Drums: MIles McPherson
Bass: Doug Kahan
Keys: Shane Almgren
BG vocals: Kaci Bolls


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