Mastering 101: Daniel Wyatt's Mastering Tips - Introduction

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Mastering 101: Daniel Wyatt's Mastering Tips by Daniel Wyatt
Video 1 of 20 for Mastering 101: Daniel Wyatt's Mastering Tips

It is often said that you should never master your own tracks. In this easy-to-digest course, mastering engineer Daniel Wyatt explains why this is not true. By watching theses tutorials, you learn all the tips, tricks and secrets that Daniel has accumulated in his career as a mastering engineer.

First, Daniel explains how to prepare your mix for mastering. You learn common mistakes to avoid, best mix bus compression/limiting practices, and you discover what Daniel calls the "balloon analogy". Daniel moves to best mastering practices, including loudness maximizing, EQing, monitoring, and referencing. He also talks about Mid/Side Processing, Stem Mastering, EP assembling and more...

So sit back, enjoy and learn as Daniel condenses his years of mastering experience in this easy to follow course.
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