Lennar Mountains Edge New Homes For Sale Las Vegas Nevada

Описание к видео Lennar Mountains Edge New Homes For Sale Las Vegas Nevada

Lennar Mountains Edge New Homes For Sale Las Vegas Nevada

My New Channel
   / @tylerstips7641  

Realtor: Tyler Watson
CALL/TEXT: 702-329-0331
EMAIL: [email protected]
Hali's Angels - The Hali Gillin Group
HomeSmart Encore | 8589 S. Eastern Ave. #125, Las Vegas NV 89123

Download my mobile app for FREE MLS ACCESS: tylershomesearch.com
Code: D8938D66

FACEBOOK   / vegasrealtortyler  
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About Me
   • Tyler Watson Las Vegas Realtor and He...  

Follow along with this amazing Alvarado Model built by Lennar Homes located at Mountains Edge.
*Pricing Subject To Change*
Starting at $342,880
1,465 square feet
3 bed
2.5 baths

Lennar Mountains Edge New Homes For Sale Las Vegas Nevada

Other models available in community
   • Lennar Monterey Model Las Vegas Alvar...  

"Experience is not Expensive...It is Priceless!"

Las Vegas Realtor
Henderson Realtor
Summerlin Realtor

Music Presented by EDMRF NET – Royalty Free Music
The Real Estate by Lux-Inspira

I am not a CPA, attorney, insurance, or financial advisor, and the information in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health and safety, electrical or financial advice. DO NOT make buying or selling decisions based on Tyler Watson's videos. If you need such advice, please contact a qualified CPA, attorney, insurance agent, contractor, etc., or a financial advisor. Any use of other media is fair-use only.

This is not an advertisement of property for sale and shall not be construed as anything other than opinion for entertainment purposes only.

#TourTimeWithTyler #LasVegasStripView #LasVegasHomesForSale


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