广州最潮航拍宣传片II之看见广州2017 4K超高清 China guangzhou ultra hd aerial photography propaganda film

Описание к видео 广州最潮航拍宣传片II之看见广州2017 4K超高清 China guangzhou ultra hd aerial photography propaganda film

心语: 我们满嘴张扬想去环游世界,用脚步丈量地球的博大。 可是对我们生活的城市却知乎甚少。 天空之眼,让我们看到了广州的美丽与感动。 我拍到了广州最为绚丽的日落,最为宁静的日出, 最为繁华的商务中心,最为学术的科学中心...... 而探索的步伐却从未停止。 如果短片感动到你欢迎你的转发,留言,点赞。 交流合作 微信:zijiang9797 邮箱:[email protected]
The heart language: we are full mouth to open to want to travel around the world, use footsteps to measure the earth big. But we know very little about the city we live in. The eye of the sky, let us see the beauty and the move of guangzhou. I took the most beautiful sunset in guangzhou, the most tranquil sunrise, the most prosperous business center, the most academic scientific center... The pace of exploration never stops. If the video is moved to you welcome your forward, message, thumb up


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