A Few Fair Pens - Namiki Yukari Royale Noshi Bundle Fountain Pen 並木蒔絵束ねのし万年筆

Описание к видео A Few Fair Pens - Namiki Yukari Royale Noshi Bundle Fountain Pen 並木蒔絵束ねのし万年筆

Article number: FNK-50M-TAB
Technique: Togidashi Taka Maki-e 研出高蒔絵
Pen nib: No.20 (18K) two-color nib 20号(18金)2色ペン
Artisan name: Misa 美佐

Purchased December 2022 from authorized boutique in Singapore. Hand-made pen sleeve separated purchased from Instagram @fabric_pensleeve_uttoko

Unedited short videos of our collection of a few fair things. We are using Youtube as a cataloguing repository. No fancy camera work, embellishment or commentary. Just plain white light and an Iphone 13 Pro Max. No advertising or peddling. We own all the items 6800.


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