No Man´s Sky - Worlds Part I - SOL 001 - THE NEVERENDING STORY SNOW WORLD.

Описание к видео No Man´s Sky - Worlds Part I - SOL 001 - THE NEVERENDING STORY SNOW WORLD.

I play No Man´s Sky in 2024 like I played it at its release in 2016. The game allows the player to be anything in this fantastic sandbox universe, and some people are pirates, traders, scientists, farmers, master-builders...I´m a hiker and a photographer.
The only thing I do in the game is walk on foot and search for the next out-of-this-world landscape to capture with my virtual NMS camera.

After years of watching Hello Games release outstanding updates solely based on gameplay features that were not for me, now, in 2024, I finally get to experience this new update, Worlds Part 1, which is excellent because it´s focused on everything I always wanted the updates to be focused but never was. They are giving us alien worlds worth exploring just because they are there.

The latest update gave me much of what I was looking for all these years since the NEXT update ruined the planets for me. New players have yet to learn, but after the PATHFINDER update, NEXT totally erased all the original 2016 (excellent) terrain generation I loved and replaced it with a more naturalistic smooth approach. Where once were dangerous epic cliffs and canyons, haunted seashores and massive mountains, after NEXT, there were smooth round hills covered with grass, vast empty fields and golf-course scenery, which almost made me quit playing the new versions of the game as the planets had lost their original mysterious alien atmosphere.
Now, WORLDS PART 1 has brought back that old exploration feel. I find it really peculiar that everyone who is raving about how good the new worlds are doesn´t notice that what they are praising are features that were once in the game back in 2016, removed with the NEXT update, and are now back in NMS once again.

So, I´m back at my favourite thing to do in NMS: Hiking and photographing awesome landscapes.
I´ve encountered two incredible Ice planets; this first one is my all-time favourite. I named it after THE NEVERENDING STORY movie because the procedurally generated landscapes in this world reminded me of the original matte painting of the Ivory Tower in that film, which is why I became a professional illustrator.

Welcome. If you care to look at this world, here´s a short version of the more than 15 hours I´ve spent just walking around the surface looking for that next great view to photograph.

NMS is a great inspiration tool for my illustration work. You can find my illustrations at

At the end of the video, you will find the GLYPH COORDINATES for this planet if you want to go there, too. Have fun.


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